The TeamsCoach App!

From Technicoach

  • Draw & Catalogue Diagrams
    Draw diagrams with various background templates for your sport. Save and catalogue diagrams for easy selection and access. Export diagrams to .png as a web compliant image or as a .pdf for easy distribution to assistant coaches and associates.
    Add team information, age group, level of competition and more. Include a team logo to be displayed on printed practice plans. If you coach multiple teams, you can assign any scheduled event to any team.
    Create multiple Practice or Game Plans by selecting diagrams from your catalogue and assign to events added in the Schedule
    Schedule Events
    Schedule games practices or meetings in the calendar and assign a plan to each for easy access to that plan for that event.
    Help & Support
    Take a look at the Help pages where we have full instructions to help you get the best out of this tool. You can also contact support HERE
    Select one of 11 different sports
    TeamsCoach is designed for coaches in 11 different team sports with variations of those same sports, eg: Men's or Women's field Lacrosse or North American or International Basketball

Designed for Android & iOS, phones & tablets!

The TeamsCoach app is designed to run on both the iOS and Android platforms and will run on smartphones and tablets running the latest platform software.

Any sport can be selected for any platform and device.

For best experience, arena sports like Hockey, Basketball, Ringette, Box Lacrosse and Netball, a smartphone is perfect for using the TeamsCoach app while a tablet is ideal for stadium sports like American or Canadian Football, Soccer, Rugby, Field Hockey and Field Lacrosse!

Using a smartphone, drawing is always in horizontal orientation simply because of the nature of the sports and proportional size of the playing surface. Tablets however, can be rotated and used in vertical or horizontal orientation. Your can draw simply by touching the screen. For better results, a good device-compatible stylus is recommended and the latest iPads with the Apple Pencil or Android tablets with the S-Pen offer the best experience using the App.

Lastly, all data is held ON your device AND online** through our sync-service. As long as you use the same login credentials from device to device, data will sync seamlessly between devices, even from an iOS phone to an Android tablet, as an example...**

Both subscription plans start with a free trial period before any subscription charges become effective. You can also cancel at anytime by managing subscriptions on your device. Give the TeamsCoach app a try! 

Watch our video overview here!

** For paid subscriptions only
